Posts Will Gumi Ban For Macros?

Will Gumi Ban For Macros?

Will Gumi ban an account for using macros? I think not.

I’ve automated farming in FFBE: WOTV for thousands of hours at this point and my account hasn’t received any punishment. There are people that use my macro/bot tool (macro? bot? basically the same thing) to automate farming and they haven’t recieved a ban either.

Now, when I designed my bot I put measures in place to add randomness to each click. Every click is delayed by a random amount and all click locations have variance to them. So maybe that’s why I haven’t been banned? Let’s not leave it a mystery, let’s ask Gumi!

I sent an email to WOTV’s support team and asked two direct questions:

Are they watching for macros?

My Question

Are there measures to actively identify accounts that are using macros to automate parts of the game, such as participating in multiplayer lobbies?

Their Answer

Our team is vigilant for every in-game action. Any unusual activity is properly recorded on our system for verification and review.

That’s what I expected. They monitor for anomolies, they aren’t going to pick up on repetitive normal game play.

Will they ban for macros?

My Question

Is it policy to suspend an account that is identified using a macro?

Their Answer

We don’t randomly suspend players without properly investigating. Any type of third-party program which would alter the natural flow of the game is not encouraged.

They dodged around giving a direct answer. They will investigate and ban for things that “alter the natural flow of the game”. A macro is just repeating normal game flow.

More Proof

Reddit user u/Equilibriator asked similar questions in this post and their response was similar.

the second support response from Gumi


  • Macros = GOOD
  • Hacks and modifying the APK = BAD

If your macro or bot is just pressing buttons 24/7 Gumi won’t care. If you are injecting into the APK or modying network traffic then there’s a looming ban hammer.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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